Commercial buildings are huge structures that utilize a great deal of energy around the clock, as heat and air conditioning units run throughout the day and night. When mechanical systems are well constructed and in good condition, they are great for cost efficiency. When commercial structures have poorly functioning ventilation ducts, energy is wasted, and your bottom line can be impacted by air that is literally going out the door. Duct cleaning is a key energy saving solution by making your air flow through your building the way it should.
The importance of total system air duct cleaning in commercial buildings can’t be emphasized enough, because energy efficient commercial building spaces keep inhabitants comfortable when there is proper air flow. According to the EPA, a buildup of just 0.42″ of dirt on a heating or cooling coil can result in a decrease of efficiency of 21%. This can add up to a significant cost for your business. With extensive buildup of dirt and dust particulate, air conveyance systems are stressed and work harder to circulate air and heat throughout the building. This is where energy levels decrease, and costs can increase.
Evaluate your HVAC System’s Efficiency
Commercial HVAC systems account for a substantial percentage of a business’s energy costs, so evaluating your commercial HVAC system is a necessary first step to making sure your system works as best it could. A good, thorough evaluation of the way your system works is the best way to assess its efficiency and areas that need improvement to make it work to its maximum potential. If your business’s commercial system is bogged down by unwanted and unhealthy dust and dirt buildup, it won’t operate the way it should to circulate a healthy, effective air flow through the ducts.
If you haven’t had your ventilation system professionally evaluated or cleaned, this is the best place to start to see if clearing out potential contaminants will produce the type of healthy airflow that your commercial HVAC unit needs for the best energy efficiency, safety and overall healthy output of your building unit.
Give Your System a Lift
Evaluating and cleaning your HVAC system are great ways to reduce wasted energy in commercial buildings, but not the only way. You can also reduce and possibly eliminate wasted commercial energy when you enhance your HVAC system with energy efficient features to conserve building energy. If you take energy-saving steps to improve your system, the results can dramatically improve your system’s effectiveness.
Commercial buildings are huge energy consumers, so the key is to evaluate and clean your ducts to keep your system from underperforming. This strain on your HVAC system is costly from a financial and energy efficiency standpoint. Duct cleaning is an efficient way to stop wasting energy and start saving money for your commercial building so the air flow is strong, clean and pleasant for all.